
Tostadas Francesas en 3 Pasos!

French toast in 3 steps!

The kitchen, in addition to being a physical space for the process of preparing meals, is also a space for inspiration and growth. Here we awaken our creativity, challenge our...

French toast in 3 steps!

The kitchen, in addition to being a physical space for the process of preparing meals, is also a space for inspiration and growth. Here we awaken our creativity, challenge our...

5 Similitudes entre el Café y la Poesía

5 Similarities between Coffee and Poetry

There is a beautiful relationship between coffee and poetry. Both are crafted, savored, and cherished for the sensory experiences they offer. But what if today you dive deeper into the essence...

5 Similarities between Coffee and Poetry

There is a beautiful relationship between coffee and poetry. Both are crafted, savored, and cherished for the sensory experiences they offer. But what if today you dive deeper into the essence...

¿Cómo empezar a usar Piedras o Cristales?

How to start using Stones or Crystals?

Welcome to your new path to crystals! Today, you will learn about its use, definition, and ability to intensify and improve aspects of your life. What is the origin of...

How to start using Stones or Crystals?

Welcome to your new path to crystals! Today, you will learn about its use, definition, and ability to intensify and improve aspects of your life. What is the origin of...

Regalarte lo que mereces es: Amor propio

Giving yourself what you deserve is: Self-love

We find ourselves in the era of energy overload. Every day we add more and more activities that turn us into multitasking people or capable of solving here and there,...

Giving yourself what you deserve is: Self-love

We find ourselves in the era of energy overload. Every day we add more and more activities that turn us into multitasking people or capable of solving here and there,...

EL RETO AL REVÉS: Sobre como empezar inversiones en Yoga y sus beneficios


Sirsasana or Headstand (in English) is one of the most important inversion positions in Yoga, since its correct practice provides the basis or basic principle to achieve following poses with variations...


Sirsasana or Headstand (in English) is one of the most important inversion positions in Yoga, since its correct practice provides the basis or basic principle to achieve following poses with variations...